
Showing posts from June, 2021

Story 16: The New Mommy

  Henry was home alone with his Wife Janet watching some Disney +. Henry was sitting on the couch when he felt a pair of arms draped on him. Looking up he saw his wife smiling at him, her intention gleaming in her eyes. No other words were really said between them as Henry stood up from the couch, turning off the television and following her to the bedroom. "It's time for your Anniversary present , don't you think?" Janet asked as they entered the bedroom. "Yeah. It's about damn time," chuckled Henry as he kissed his wife. She kissed him back, taking off his shirt as they backed up onto the bed. Henry helped her out of her jeans and shirt as he crawled back onto the bed, his back against the pillows. Janet crawled up to him, wiggling her ass, trying to put on a show for her husband. Henry just smiled and kissed her again as she laid against him. The two began to make out, Janet moved so she was sitting on him, their crotches touching as she lightly grind

Story 15:Milf Dennys

  Matt was going through the internet and checking out those images of places that people made up like Goth IHOP, Tomboy Outback and Milf Denny's. Matt wish that some of these places where real. he would spend so much time there. But then a link pop up and read "ENTER" being curious and not thinking about the mysterious ad twice. Matt Click the ad and then nothing but little did he know was that he just enter the Mysterious Zone. Matt got up and headed to the Kitchen and while he walk he began to change. First he age up from a 21 year old to a 33 year old. Then he went from male to female. After that her clothes alter and so do the areas around her. She pause for a moment as her new mindset and reality settle in and then she snap back to reality as she approach a table and introduce herself as Maddie and she'll be the couple's server here at Milf Denny's. Maddie just did her normal shift at Milf Denny's then when her shift was down she went home to her hus

Story 14: Soccer Mom

  James was a 24 year old who has custody of his younger sister Maddie who was 6 years old. They're parents had died in a car crash and not wanting to lose his sister James filed for custody. He did everything for her so she wouldn't feel like a burden to him. He also recently broke up with his girlfriend of 8 years. She was against adopting his sister after his parents death and decide to break up with him and kick him out of her apartment but luckily he got his parents home to live in. It was the weekend and James was at his sisters Soccer Game. He was cheering for her and in his mind he wish that she could have a more motherly figure to look up to. Then with out notice James enter the Mysterious Zone as reality began to warp and change. As he continued to watch the game, James started to feel a little funky. He wondered if one of the hot dogs he ate were under cooked or something. He failed to notice that his hair had lengthened a bit and grew that stopped in the middle of h

Story 13: Minecraft Cow

  Cedric was up late playing Minecraft. It was 3am and Cedric was grinding to get some XP so that he can be stronger then his friends. While killing some cows to get XP and steak when he came across a sign that "read do not pass" Cedric thought it was a joke place by one of his friends so he just walk past it and continue his hunt. But after that Cedric began to feel weird not realizing that he enter the mysterious Zone. While he continue to play he failed to realize his legs started to dematerialize and turn into pixels and go into the PC. By the time Cedric realize it always hit his stomach and began to panic as the process went quickly and then before he vanish he notice his room starting to look empty like he never moved into his apartment. Then while flying through cyber space his body began to change and reform. Then a bright flash and Cedric found himself in a farm and looks like the one made by his friend Lilly. That's when he look down and saw that instead of han

Story 12: The new Doggy

  Amber was chilling in her house. It was just her and her Boyfriends Dog Max. Feeling a little warm she ask Max to fetch her a soda from the kitchen. The Dog did so since it was train to do this by his owner and Amber's Boyfriend. Amber was quick to snatch the bottle from the eager pup, popping the cap from the lid and pressing the bottle to her parched lips. Her throat pulses as she eagerly drinks down the translucent blue liquid, before letting out a content burp. "Good boy..." She whispers, her eyes lidding slightly as a strange relaxing warmth floods through her form.  Amber groaned slightly, the bottle dropping from her hand onto the ground. Little did Amber know was that she had just enter the Mysterious Zone. "Whaaash happening?" She slurs, her tongue feeling thick in her mouth before it slid past her lips and began to pant with the building heat inside her. Her hands began to cramp and ache, fingers shriveling into tiny nubs as once flexible hands and f

Story 11: Bimbo Zone

  Tristan heard rumors about some areas that had strong pulse of the thing called the Mysterious Zone. Tristan found out that a motel in LA has a high energy reading of the zone. So one quick trip over Tristan was now at the motel setting up equipment to study the Zones properties. Tristan heard rumors that this Zone takes people and places them into another reality. While he was reading some things Tristan notice a lot of those Air head hookers walking into the other rooms with men. He figure this motel was a good fun zone. But before he could react the Mysterious Zone took Tristan. As he enter the Mysterious Zone he began to feel sleepy as he dozed off the changes began.     Tristan’s entire body twisted and contorted itself as it changed rapidly. His skin tone darkened slightly as his figure shrank to a height of 5'9 with a very slim build. Tristan’s scrawny figure filled out into a sexy womanly form with petite arms and long, skinny legs. His thighs thickened and his hips widen

Story 10: Potty Time

  Sarah was at her local park she was remembering all the good times she once had here before her issues with college and living on her own and then getting kick out of her and her Ex apartment. She was now on her way to her parents home since she came home and found her Boyfriend of 6 years cheating on her and they got in a fight and he kick her out. Sarah remember when she was younger  she used to sit in the tube of the playground and just sat there and cry her troubles away. She went into the tube since the park was pretty empty, even though she had a some trouble crawling in it. She was 22 and the last time she was in there she was 13. As she laid there wishing that she can go back to when she didn't have to worry about the problems she's dealing now. Then everything began to feel weird to her but little did she know that she had just enter the Mysterious Zone. Sarah notice that the pipe was starting to close at one end and began closing more and more. Sarah got up and star

Story 9: Pizza Time

  Hank was night time security guard at his local Chuck E Cheese. He loved going to this place when he was a kid, but now he is a college student working a part time job as a night guard. He always joke with his friends that the bots there are going to come to life like the bots in FNAF. That day Hank was told that the Helen Henny bot was broken thanks to some teens messing with it. Hank was kinda sad by this since Helen was one of his favorite character. So that night while looking at the stage and seeing every except for Helen. Hank decide to do a walk around of the place. So while walking the stage curtains open up and the lights turn on. Hank got a little spook by this and thought maybe someone snuck in to mess with him. so he got onto the stage and look around. But when hank step where the Helen bot stood the curtains closed and he began to feel weird. Little did he know was that he just enter the Mysterious zone. Hank started to grow in size and his limbs began to feel stiff. He

Story 8: The Karen Side

  Kevin was out at the mall shopping for some new clothes. He was heading back to his car being a little annoyed after coming across a Karen. Kevin hated them cause they always believe that they are better than everyone else. Kevin just said to himself "If I were born as a female I would never be like those entitled mothers!" He unlock his car and drove off. As he was driving he stop by McDonald's and got some food and continue his way home. As he drove he felt like everything slow down for a bit but then went back to normal. Little did he know was that he just enter the Mysterious Zone and something shocking was about to happen to him. The first change occurred when Kevin absentmindedly scratched at his crotch, the process removing his previous “material” and forming a new slit in between his legs. Said legs began to thicken around the thighs, which also led to the creation of a huge  plump ass. Kevin raised her seat, wondering why it felt more cushioned than usual but o

Story 7: Green Pipe

  Mike was walking home one day and came across a very large green pipe. While looking at it he notice it look like the pipe found in the Super Mario games. Mike use to love the series but over time he grew to hate the game series. Mike just thought it was just some one art piece and thought about messing with it. So he got home and took some big things of coke and Mentos and figure this would be funny. So he return to the pipe late in the evening and began to mess with it. but as he sat on top of the pipe while pouring in the soda he lost his grip and fell into the pipe. He kept falling and falling through the darkness but little did he know was that he had enter the Mysterious Zone. When he finally landed he found himself in a world that looks like a real Mario world. Mike laugh a bit and turn back to the pipe to leave this place only to see the pipe melting back into the ground and before he could do anything the pipe vanish and Mike was now trap. Mike then saw another pipe and head

Story 6: Room Service

  Heath was your typical rich kid. He was always rude to anyone who he deem poor. While hanging at his bestfriend Jake's house the two yelled at Jake's house maid Isabella a young Spanish woman from Mexico who had a hard time speaking English. The maid ran off crying and the two boys just laugh. Heath told his friend that he has to use the bathroom and headed off. While walking to the bathroom he saw a door slightly open and being curious cause he's never seen this door at his friends place before he walk to it and enter through it. Little did he know was that he just enter the Mysterious Zone. As he walk he didn't notice his body and clothes changing to that of a common house maid. He pause for a moment when he felt something weird as his man hood shrank and replace with her new women hood and the sudden growth of her breast and butt. Heath then saw a door and walk through it and once she did she found her self in the same place as she enter but felt like something was

Story 5: Teen Life

  Zeke was chilling in his gaming room.. He loved living by himself in a 1 person house. He's 23 years old and became a professional Gamer. While surfing the net he click on a icon the showed a rainbow spiral. Little did he know was that he just tap the key that was now sending him into the Mysterious Zone. As he continue to surf the web he failed to notice as his body began to change and regress. Instead of going straight to his various Video Game sites or catching up on the news, he found himself spending time on Tumblr, Pinterest, Facebook, and all sorts of other sites he thought himself to girly and boring for him. It was a surreal experience. He kept seeing status updates from people he was sure he didn’t know, but when he refreshed the page, they were gone. He found himself reading fanfiction about characters and stories he’d never read about or even heard of, and hanging on every word. Even worse, he found himself embarrassingly blushing when stories featuring two male love

Story 4: I think I just went number 2....

Luke was home alone. He was upset that hi wife had left him after they had a miscarriage. Luke just stood in the empty nursery drinking his sadness away. That's when he touch the now empty crib and everything began to feel weird and started to feel really dizzy. Then he fell forward into the crib but instead of landing and breaking the crib due to his shape he just went through as if it was made of water. As he fell he started to feel weird. Little did he know that he just fell into the Mysterious Zone and was now starting to change gender and then began to regress. Then more she fell the more younger she got. She began to forget how to talk, walk and lost all control on her bowel controls. She felt like she should cry. Luke now Luna close her eyes and once she open them she now found herself in a crib and the room look like what the nursey once were for her daughter that didn't make it. That's when her memory began to fade since they don't fit in her now baby brain as

Story 3: I guess im a teacher now.

  Jack was your typical High school student. He did his work on time and did great on test. But over the years he was branded as a Teachers pet and he did not like this. One day he ask his teacher if they could have a talk and his teacher told him to meet her in the teacher's lounge during lunch break. So just like his teacher ask he went to he lounge to meet with her and by the time he got there he found it empty and guess that the teachers are getting food before coming here. So he sat down at one of tables and waited that's when he began to feel weird and everything around him began to ripple and he began to feel weird. Little did he know was that once he enter the lounge he really enter the Mysterious Zone and now getting a full effect of this force. First his body began to age and grow while he started to lose his male features and gain a more female look. Then as he now has a full female form and body parts his clothes began to alter and change as a pair of glasses sudden

Story 2: Be careful who you call a cow.

  We now have Samantha who was know to be the fit type. Always going to the gym and eating the right food so keep that perfect thin figure. She always made fun of people who where overweight. But one day as she was getting ready to go the gym she found that her bedroom door was jam. She just got dress and wanted to headed out of her room so she can go to her local gym. Little did she know was that she was about to enter through the Mysterious Zone to another reality. When she finally got through the door she pause for a moment feeling like something was different but shrug it off and headed down stairs to start her pre work out. She went into her kitchen and started to make her smoothie. She then pause once more as she look out into her backyard and with out knowing just walk out to her back yard and got down on all four and began to eat the grass. With a mouthful in her mouth and mid chew she quickly realize what she was doing and quickly got up and spat out the partly chewed grass in

Story 1: Help Im pregnant!!!!

  We start our story with Mark who was your normal guy. He work, played video games and watch TV but he was always alone. He had a hard time connecting with people. But one day while walking home he came across a weird slime that once he touch it the slime sank into his skin and after that he began to feel weird. As he continue down the street Mark started to feel weird and started to get hot. Having no clue what's going on he notice that everything around him started to ripple and warp as if he was going to black out or something. But as he continue to walk Mark didn't notice that once he touch that slime he enter the Mysterious Zone and he was getting place into another reality. As he continue to walk his body began to change and become more femininize. Then his man hood became a womanhood. He didn't even notice as his private parts  change. Then he finally saw as he or she began to grow not only breast but started to get a very pregnant belly and with this her clothes be


  There are mysterious Dimension and realities beyond that which is known to the human kind. It is these dimensions as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and the possibility of choices that a person can make. Worlds where your choices branch off in different branches. This is the multiple dimensions of imagination. It is area which we call the Mysterious Zone. This is my own take on stories about people who random end up in a different dimension or reality. I got the idea off of the Twilight Zone.