Story 1: Help Im pregnant!!!!


We start our story with Mark who was your normal guy. He work, played video games and watch TV but he was always alone. He had a hard time connecting with people. But one day while walking home he came across a weird slime that once he touch it the slime sank into his skin and after that he began to feel weird. As he continue down the street Mark started to feel weird and started to get hot. Having no clue what's going on he notice that everything around him started to ripple and warp as if he was going to black out or something. But as he continue to walk Mark didn't notice that once he touch that slime he enter the Mysterious Zone and he was getting place into another reality. As he continue to walk his body began to change and become more femininize. Then his man hood became a womanhood. He didn't even notice as his private parts  change. Then he finally saw as he or she began to grow not only breast but started to get a very pregnant belly and with this her clothes began to change to fit her new body. Then a purse suddenly appears in her hand as the changes finish. Mark now Martha started to freak out as she just from being a male to 9 month old pregnant female. Martha now had two sets of memories one was his male self and this new set was her new female side. Martha quickly open her purse and look inside to see what she is in this world and found her ID and driver license and found that her name is now Martha. She also found her phone and look at her social media and saw all these photos and realize this version of her was not only very popular but she was also very rich. She also found out that she is not married but the only reason why she is pregnant is because she got heavily intoxicated at a bar during one of her new friends Birthday and found out that her female self was rape in the alleyway behind the bar. Martha realize that her old life was bad but saw that even this version of her had a moment that if he was still in his male form would never understand. Only thing Martha needs to worry about is how to act like a pregnant women, run a million dollar Make-up line and how to act like the version of herself to everyone else including her own family since she wasn't really Martha but someone who took her place.


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