Story 5: Teen Life


Zeke was chilling in his gaming room.. He loved living by himself in a 1 person house. He's 23 years old and became a professional Gamer. While surfing the net he click on a icon the showed a rainbow spiral. Little did he know was that he just tap the key that was now sending him into the Mysterious Zone. As he continue to surf the web he failed to notice as his body began to change and regress. Instead of going straight to his various Video Game sites or catching up on the news, he found himself spending time on Tumblr, Pinterest, Facebook, and all sorts of other sites he thought himself to girly and boring for him. It was a surreal experience. He kept seeing status updates from people he was sure he didn’t know, but when he refreshed the page, they were gone. He found himself reading fanfiction about characters and stories he’d never read about or even heard of, and hanging on every word. Even worse, he found himself embarrassingly blushing when stories featuring two male love interests saw fit to consummate their relationship. He found himself sighing and mooning over pictures he would have dismissed as worthless schmaltz just a few hours ago; heavily filtered pictures of landscapes and sunsets, blank pages with inspiration quotes written on them in some modern-looking font, and of course, the ever-present pictures of cute pets and babies doing adorable things. Not realizing as his male part became a female part, then most unwelcome developments were tight, swollen feelings in his chest and a little rise do to his butt gaining a little fat. His clothes began to alter to fit her new form. It was pitch-black out now this late at night, and Zeke had chosen not to turn any lamps on. She normally liked the privacy, and it was useful to fool someone into thinking she was asleep (but wait…she thought, why would I need to do that?), but now it was feeling distinctly foreboding. She hadn’t been scared of monsters under the bed or anything like that since she was a little kid. Still, she couldn’t help looking behind her to see if there was anything lurking there, but saw nothing. At least, until one of her paranoid checks did reveal something: Unless her eyes deceived her, the back wall was moving toward her at a frighteningly quick pace.

Zeke bolted up out of her chair. What was happening? Was she going crazy? She looked at the wall, trying to discern whether it was an illusion, but it didn’t look like it. As the wall got closer, Zeke panicked, grabbing a few essentials that she thankfully had on the desk—wallet, keys, laptop, credit cards—and getting out of the room as fast as she could. She had barely closed the door when she heard the advancing wall slam into the door behind her. It was no illusion. Then, as she watched, the door itself began to fade away into the wall. Zeke made one last desperate grasp at the doorknob, trying to see what was going on, but it too eluded her grasp, falling lamely to the floor and then dissolving into non-existence. Then one new doors had appeared across the hall. Zeke went over to look at it. Cautiously opening it, he saw a bedroom clearly designed for two people. Two person bed, two dressers, two nightstand. It must be for her parents room. But where was her things? Wait, why would she have a room there. She didn’t…sleep here? Was that right? It had to be. Zeke looked down at her wallet; it had transformed, without her noticing, from the old, mature-looking leather one to a furry pink one with a black flower pattern. She didn’t quite feel like looking inside yet. She then walk down the hallway, she noticed something strange. Out of the corner of her eye, a door seemed to be forming out of the solid wall. But when she looked again, it looked like a door had always been there, and nothing was out of the ordinary. It looked like something she had seen recently, but she could not put her finger on it. When she looked at the door, she felt a feeling of safety and security rise inside her, and decided it was safe to open it and see what was inside. What she saw was a room decked out with a bunch of familiar decorations and furniture. She didn’t know exactly where she’d seen these things, but they were so familiar, so dear to her heart, that the sudden rush of recognition was almost painful. A beeping message caused Zeke to look down at her phone. She saw a long list of unread messages, from girls and guys alike about her age (which was…13? 14? Her mind was getting foggy). She didn’t recognize them at first but after looking at each one memories of friends and classmates began flooding back. Zeke began to feel weak in the knees. She clutched her head as her body and clothing finished their final changes; her boxers finished their conversion to a pair of silk panties, and a sturdy-yet-smooth bra formed out of nowhere to hold up her small but growing chest. Her hair, which had been getting longer and blonder all night, flew outwards from her head. Her fingernails became long and pink to match her toenails.

She collapsed on the bed in a fit of exhaustion and confusion. She couldn’t remember how long she lay there, but was awoken by a voice. “Zelda! Zelda, are you up there? You’re going to miss breakfast, sleepyhead!” Zelda sprung up. Oh, right, breakfast! And Mom’s Pancakes was one of her favorites! 

After she ate her food she grab her bag and left for school. She was overjoy since its the last day of middle school life and starting in a few months she'll be a High schooler and maybe a High School Cheerleader.


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