Story 6: Room Service


Heath was your typical rich kid. He was always rude to anyone who he deem poor. While hanging at his bestfriend Jake's house the two yelled at Jake's house maid Isabella a young Spanish woman from Mexico who had a hard time speaking English. The maid ran off crying and the two boys just laugh. Heath told his friend that he has to use the bathroom and headed off. While walking to the bathroom he saw a door slightly open and being curious cause he's never seen this door at his friends place before he walk to it and enter through it. Little did he know was that he just enter the Mysterious Zone. As he walk he didn't notice his body and clothes changing to that of a common house maid. He pause for a moment when he felt something weird as his man hood shrank and replace with her new women hood and the sudden growth of her breast and butt. Heath then saw a door and walk through it and once she did she found her self in the same place as she enter but felt like something was different. She called out for her friend but instead of English coming out she spoke perfect Spanish. This is when she notice her new body and began to freak out and ran back to where her friend was but when she got there she didn't see her teenage friend Jake but a small 5 year old girl playing a small Spanish baby. Then a sudden jolt hit Heath as new memories enter her mind. She now recalls herself as Helen a single mother to her beautiful baby girl Teresa. They mother and daughter both live and work at the Mclean Mansion and Helen acts as maid and nanny to the rich family's daughter Jackie. Helen can speak some English but is learning how to speak it better when she has a chance to. Helen just sat down and watch the two girls play, she felt joy while her old self gets push back as her new self took control.


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