Story 10: Potty Time


Sarah was at her local park she was remembering all the good times she once had here before her issues with college and living on her own and then getting kick out of her and her Ex apartment. She was now on her way to her parents home since she came home and found her Boyfriend of 6 years cheating on her and they got in a fight and he kick her out. Sarah remember when she was younger  she used to sit in the tube of the playground and just sat there and cry her troubles away. She went into the tube since the park was pretty empty, even though she had a some trouble crawling in it. She was 22 and the last time she was in there she was 13. As she laid there wishing that she can go back to when she didn't have to worry about the problems she's dealing now. Then everything began to feel weird to her but little did she know that she had just enter the Mysterious Zone. Sarah notice that the pipe was starting to close at one end and began closing more and more. Sarah got up and started to crawl not wanting to get crush by what is happening in the tube. At first Sarah had a hard time moving in the tube but the more she crawled the easier it started to become for her. Sarah wonder why the tube was so much longer then she remembered. By the time she finally made it out she notice it was daylight now and not twilight anymore Sarah look back at the tube now seeing it was little bit bigger now but seem normal. Sarah decided to continue her way back home thinking her mom is worry about her. She figure she must of slept in the tube last night and didn't notice. That's when Sarah notice something was off. She look down and saw that she had no pants or shoes on but she did have a diaper on now and Sarah look at her body and saw that she was now a little chubby again. Sarah began to panic as she realized that she now look like a 2 year old instead of a 22 year old. Then a strange feeling started to grow in her stomach and then with a "pppbbbrrtttt" noise and with that Sarah just went number 2 in her new Diaper.  Sarah began to freak out since she just went poop her self. Sarah then felt another strange feeling and she wet herself to and with this Sarah began to cry and just like earlier she made a "PBBBRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" and went more number 2 in the diaper and with this her mind snap and regress back to a simple two year old mind. She just cried till her mommy came and pick her up to take her to the bathroom to change her and then feed her.


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