Story 14: Soccer Mom


James was a 24 year old who has custody of his younger sister Maddie who was 6 years old. They're parents had died in a car crash and not wanting to lose his sister James filed for custody. He did everything for her so she wouldn't feel like a burden to him. He also recently broke up with his girlfriend of 8 years. She was against adopting his sister after his parents death and decide to break up with him and kick him out of her apartment but luckily he got his parents home to live in. It was the weekend and James was at his sisters Soccer Game. He was cheering for her and in his mind he wish that she could have a more motherly figure to look up to. Then with out notice James enter the Mysterious Zone as reality began to warp and change. As he continued to watch the game, James started to feel a little funky. He wondered if one of the hot dogs he ate were under cooked or something. He failed to notice that his hair had lengthened a bit and grew that stopped in the middle of his neck line. His face feminized to that of a gorgeous woman as he also appeared to age about 10 years to an age of 31 years. Next his height decreased by quite a bit until he was 5'4 as opposed to his previous height of 5'10. As his shoulders lost width, his arms shortened and became much slimmer by comparison. His chest felt like it was forcibly being moved from side to side as two BB sized titties popped out of his chest. His whole torso slimmed down and his waist gained a perfect curve to it when it started to cave inward. This was followed by the widening of his hips to give him a womanly pear shaped body. His ass started to fill out drastically at this point until he had what could be called a bubble butt. His thighs quickly reshaped as well to become much thicker as well as hairless. He felt a tug in his groin and his penis started to shrink into his body along with his balls to create a vagina along with a set of ovaries, effectively making him a woman. Her clothes started to make their changes immediately following that as a bra appeared around her newly formed boobs. The t-shirt she was wearing altered as it turn into a Black jersey shirt with Maddie's number on it. Her boxers started to shrink in between her butt cheeks to become a skimpy black thong. Her jeans changed to a more flexible mom jean material as they fitted to every curve present on the lower half of her body. Finally her memory altered as she began to remember herself as Jessie the Step mother of Maddie. The previous self was given a new life as it became a growing fetus in her new body as Jessie had gotten pregnant  after her EX broke up with her and kick her out, as Jessie took her place. Jessie was a single step mother who worked hard to provide for her son as well as be there for her younger sisters only daughter. Her younger sister and her husband had died after a car crash and not losing her sisters daughter and chose to adopt her so that she can be with family. Jessie pulled out her Phone to record Maddie scoring the winning goal and won the game for her team. After the game Jessie and Maddie went to Pizza hut with her team for a special Lunch and at the same moment Jessie pulled Maddie aside and told her that she found out she is pregnant and Maddie is going to be a Step sister or brother to the new bundle of joy growing in her tummy. The two hug as they return to others for some more pizza.


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