Story 2: Be careful who you call a cow.


We now have Samantha who was know to be the fit type. Always going to the gym and eating the right food so keep that perfect thin figure. She always made fun of people who where overweight. But one day as she was getting ready to go the gym she found that her bedroom door was jam. She just got dress and wanted to headed out of her room so she can go to her local gym. Little did she know was that she was about to enter through the Mysterious Zone to another reality. When she finally got through the door she pause for a moment feeling like something was different but shrug it off and headed down stairs to start her pre work out. She went into her kitchen and started to make her smoothie. She then pause once more as she look out into her backyard and with out knowing just walk out to her back yard and got down on all four and began to eat the grass. With a mouthful in her mouth and mid chew she quickly realize what she was doing and quickly got up and spat out the partly chewed grass in her mouth and began to freak out at what she was just doing. She quickly ran back into her house but as she ran back she began to feel weird and bloated. As she stood in her front room walking back and forth questioning why she did what she did but failed to notice that she grew cow ears and even a cow tail. She once pause again as she began to moo like a cow and with every moo her breast and belly grew. After a few minutes of this she finally snap back to reality and scream as her breast were huge and look a lot like udders and her belly were huge. Then her waist began to expand and rupture her leggings as her waist and below were huge and had filled with fat. Samantha began to cry as her once thin figure was now a humanoid overly fat cow figure. Then her face began to change as it gain a more cow like features. As the changes finish Samantha now look like a half human half cow hybrid. She freak out but at the end of each sentence or word she would end it with a moo. She then worried on how people would react to how she is now and thought about how the government will capture her and do a series of test on her. But when she glance out side she was shock to that every one was now a animal human hybrid. Little did she know was that she now lives in a world where human did not only evolve from monkeys but evolve from almost every type of animals. Now humans walk around showing some animal like features to show what animal they're family  descended from. 

Samantha now walk around her new home and found that her once home gym became a milking room and all of her clothes now fit a human cow girl figure. Now she has to get used to be a cow girl and the day to day life style.


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