
Showing posts from July, 2021

Story 26: That good old Dairy Cow

  Ben had started his new job at his local farm. His job at the moment is to milk the cows and shovel any cow droppings in the milking area. Ben had already milk 7 cows and that just left 20 more cows left to milk. Ben looking a little mad brought in the next cow and while getting it set up to be milk. While adjusting the straps on the cow Ben was given a gift aka the cow just ploop on his shoe. Ben was furious and yelled at the dumb cow for pooping onto his shoes. As Ben walk off to go clean his shoes but as he walk he failed to notice that he had just pass through the Mysterious Zone. As Ben walk he failed to notice that her began to gain weight. Ben didn't even get half way before his new spine made him get down on all four's. As the first stage finish and made him become a full looking cow. Then another farm worker took the now turn cow Ben to the milking area and hook ben or rather Bessie to the milking machine.  While getting milk Bessie's mind started to go through t

Story 25: Party Time at Chuck E Cheese

  It was a Friday night and Troy was at his cousins 5th birthday party at the local Chuck E Cheese. He use to love playing here and watching the band. Now he just finds the place boring and old. As he walk around the place remembering all the fun time he had over the years. He recalled all the times he got stuck in the ball pit, spending his time playing that old TMNT Arcade game and constantly trying to climb onto the stage to dance with Chuck E Cheese and his friends. Troy wish that he could just feel that feeling that he once had as a kid. He just wanted to feel like that for his cousins day. As he walk everything began to feel weird like he was walking in a haze but then he fell into the ball pit. As he sank he tried to swim back up but he kept going down into the pit. Little did he know was that he just enter the Mysterious Zone. Then everything stop. He stop sinking and just laid there. He got up and out of the ball pit. Troy look around and everything seem normal nothing had cha

Story 24: The Pregnant Site

  Kevin and Chris where sat on the sofa in Chris bedroom browsing the world wide web . It was a weekend and Chris's parents had gone away for the weekend to see some friend. So they had the whole weekend to do as he pleased.    Chris and Kevin where average 17 years old boy ,Chris was 5" 8 and of average build and Kevin was a little shorter and a bit  chubby. Boys being boys it didn't take to long for them to find porn on the web and spent the next 45 min looking at buxom busty girl . Kevin stood up with a bulge in his pants and  said he was just going to the toilet. Ye right ! What for Chris grins !!!!!!    When Kevin was out the room Chris clicked on a link UR Pregnant babes .com as he had a fetish thing for pregnant woman . Looking though the pages of lovely's  he saw a download  .So with out thinking he clicked on the box .PLEASE WAIT it said conversion may take a few mins to a few hours. (With out notice the Mysterious Zone took gold of both Kevin and Chris and so

Story 23: The Donkey says....

  Karren Heartens  was at the top of her game, a leader in the world of corporate advertising. She’d finally paid off the last of her debts, and her new salary ensured she’d be able to start that family she had always dreamed of... Yes, things were looking perfect for her. Or rather, they were looking perfect… Right until she’d run out of gas in the middle of nowhere. The woman had hiked for what felt like two miles before she’d finally reached the first sign of civilization. “Thank God…” Karren sighed, breathing out an uneasy sigh before loudly clearing her throat. “Hello! Is someone here?” Her cry seemed to echo around the farmstead, and she grinned as a woman walked out from a distant barn. Then Karren’s grin faded as she saw that the woman wasn’t wearing the traditional overalls of a farmer, but rather a smooth and flowing set of white robes, like something from a Greek myth. Still, the woman waved back, and Karren let loose a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Even if

Story 22: A special type of Protein from another reality

  Eric was a very alethic person and love to work out every day. Today was like in other as he place a large box of protein powder was placed on top of the kitchen counter, along with a large tall glass and a bottle of milk from the local Farm certified Fresh Milk. Eric  smoothed his short, brown hair back and without a word began to prepare his morning protein drink, wearing a red tracksuit, a few strips of white running vertically down his outfit. Wordlessly he reached into the box of protein powder, measuring out a single scoop of the stuff before emptying it into the glass, checking the instructions briefly before looking at the cover of the box. He had been working on his physique for a couple months now, waking up most mornings to go for a jog before coming home to work out a bit with the equipment here. It was scheduled, was done before the day had really started and left him with the rest of his day. Go to work, come home, enjoy a meal that coincides with your diet and enjoy th

Story 21: Role Swap

  Isaac and his wife Beth were a happy couple and was excited after they found out Beth had gotten pregnant. They were overjoy by this. Months past and Beth just enter the half way mark. The two first believe that Beth had one baby in her belly but after a check up they where shock that they had twin girls growing in her belly. During the past few months Isaac notice how much pain Beth was going through and constantly wish that there was something he could do to help her. As he watch her eat her favorite craving goodie (Milkshake+Pickles+Peanut M&M's). Isaac walk off to the kitchen to start making dinner after taking the empty cup from his wife. As he walk he felt like he just walk through water but what he didn't know was that he just enter the Mysterious Zone. As he walk he failed to notice that he shrunk in height. Then while walking around in the kitchen his hair began to grow out and he began to lose his male features and gain more female features. He pause just for a

Story 20:Game Time

  Josh was visiting his Aunt's place for the weekend. Having just finish his second year at college he felt like he needed a much needed break and thought it would be nice to visit his aunt. He hasn't seen her and her family for awhile. While sitting in the front room watching some kid show with his little Cousin Emily. His aunt came by and ask Josh if it was alright to watch his cousin for a bit while she went shopping and told him that his other cousin will be home from work in a hour. Josh nodded and said it was fine. As Josh and Emily sat on the couch she look up at him and with all her 4 year old charm beg Josh to play a game with her. As Josh gave into her cuteness agree and the two went off to play a game. The two decided to play Monopoly. Right when Josh open the box he felt a little weird and shrug it off and continue to set up the game not knowing that he just enter the Mysterious Zone. The two started to play and Emily did have some trouble playing due to the money b

Story 19: New life in London

  Charles was living in London and going to the local University for school and a Major in Teaching. While he sat in his empty apartment he thinks back and starts to miss his friends and family who are all back in the US. He felt pretty alone here. He's and American Male in a British city. Charles laid down on his bed checking his phone and looking on Instagram. But got up to have to use the bathroom. When he got back to his bed he fell back but when he hit the bed he felt like he fell into water but yet he was just laying on his bed. Little did he know was that he just enter the Mysterious Zone. As he continue to lay on his bed he failed to notice that himself and his room began to change and alter. Charles focus on his phone and didn't realize that his body was becoming more female. By the time he finally notice the changes it was already to late as his new female clothes took shape and his room became that of a females. What sent Charles away was when his Gender change to th

Story 18: Entrance by a old show

  Kris sat on the couch in the family room, texting his girlfriend. In the other room, his 3 year old sister, Gwen, and his 2 year old cousin Lauren, were playing house. He did his best to drum out the noises of the two as he flirted with his girlfriend, sending sweet messages. As he texted, he was interrupted by a loud wailing. He looked over, and noticed that Lauren had fallen onto her butt. He knew he should go help her, as he was 15, but his girlfriend was more important.    "Stupid babies," he whispered as he continued to text his girlfriend. In the other room, his aunt had entered and picked up Lauren to comfort her.    "Are you okay sweetie?" she asked, as she held her with motherly care. The toddler nodded and her aunt smiled. "Alright, let's do something else."     She walked inside the family room, and grabbed the TV remote, turning on the tv. She went to HBO Max and found Sesame Street. As the show began to play, she sat Lauren a little too

Story 17: A New Job at McDonalds

  Greg was eating at his local McDonald's. He kept eyeing the female workers and making sure they don't notice him starring. He went back to eating his big Mac and while enjoying the burger his stomach began to feel weird. It was like he need to use the bathroom really bad so he quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. While rushing he failed to notice that he enter the Female bathroom but he didn't care. Little did he know was that he was entering the Mysterious Zone. While he sat in the stall his body began to change. First his hair started to grow and turn blonde then his face and body gain a more femmine figure and appearance. Then with one sloosh his manhood turn into a woman hood. As the new estrogen flow through her body she began to grow breast while her clothes alter to that from a normal outfit to a McDonald's staff outfit. Then like getting hit in the head with a water balloon Gracie forgot all of her past self as her new life took place. After the changes fin