Story 19: New life in London


Charles was living in London and going to the local University for school and a Major in Teaching. While he sat in his empty apartment he thinks back and starts to miss his friends and family who are all back in the US. He felt pretty alone here. He's and American Male in a British city. Charles laid down on his bed checking his phone and looking on Instagram. But got up to have to use the bathroom. When he got back to his bed he fell back but when he hit the bed he felt like he fell into water but yet he was just laying on his bed. Little did he know was that he just enter the Mysterious Zone. As he continue to lay on his bed he failed to notice that himself and his room began to change and alter. Charles focus on his phone and didn't realize that his body was becoming more female. By the time he finally notice the changes it was already to late as his new female clothes took shape and his room became that of a females. What sent Charles away was when his Gender change to that of female. Charles exit as Charlotte took control. As her memories alter to fit in her life. Charlotte got up and remember that she was suppose to meet up with bezzies down at the pub later. So she better go do her shopping run Tesco. Charlotte grab her things and headed for the door to head off.


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