Story 22: A special type of Protein from another reality


Eric was a very alethic person and love to work out every day. Today was like in other as he place

a large box of protein powder was placed on top of the kitchen counter, along with a large tall glass and a bottle of milk from the local Farm certified Fresh Milk. Eric  smoothed his short, brown hair back and without a word began to prepare his morning protein drink, wearing a red tracksuit, a few strips of white running vertically down his outfit. Wordlessly he reached into the box of protein powder, measuring out a single scoop of the stuff before emptying it into the glass, checking the instructions briefly before looking at the cover of the box.

He had been working on his physique for a couple months now, waking up most mornings to go for a jog before coming home to work out a bit with the equipment here. It was scheduled, was done before the day had really started and left him with the rest of his day. Go to work, come home, enjoy a meal that coincides with your diet and enjoy the rest of the evening online. A simple life, but one that worked for him.

He continued to study the box as he poured the white, pasteurized fluid into the cup, putting the jug down before beginning to stir in the powder with one hand, beginning to take on a rich, chocolate-y color. The protein mix he was using today was a new brand, something experimental compared to the previous stuff he was trying. It claimed to be more effective, while simultaneously being healthier. A few potential side effects were listed as ‘stomach pains and headaches,’ but that was fine. No pain, no gain. If that cropped up, he just wouldn’t use it anymore. Simple as that.

Tapping the spoon on the top of the glass, a small clink ringing out every time it hit, he held the glass up to his mouth, getting a whiff of the flavored drink before him. A rich, dense smell of caramel hit his senses, tantalizing him; a nice change from the faux chocolate taste he had gotten used to. With one swift motion he tipped it back, beginning to gulp the nutritious mixture down, the liquid breakfast washing down his throat. After seconds of sustained drinking, Eric placed the glass firmly back on the kitchen bench, wiping his mouth clean and began doing some quick stretches to limber up his body, before finally he jogged out to the front of his apartment and left the building.

Standing outside on the small path, holding his leg behind him in some extra stretches before he set his pedometer on his wrist, finally prepared and ready to go, setting off. His pathway was a simple but somewhat lengthy loop of the city; he started on the east side, within the residential district. It went out onto the main road, heading south, eventually coming past the department store before heading back into the quiet areas of the city, heading right back to his apartment block.

Everything was going well. He was working up a sweat, keeping to a steady pace as the sound of morning cars beeping came closer. The air was chilly, but not enough to show the fogginess of his breath. Thank god the winter period had passed. That was a nightmare to jog in, but he persevered.

While he ran, it gave him time to think about his plans. How he was saving up a bit of money to go to Kanto and visit, go travelling for a little bit. Maybe he would try to get involved with the walkathlon. It could be a nice idea. Maybe he’d get a sponsor, finally? More companies were migrating over from other regions. Maybe he’d try to get a well know one. They seemed like good company. 

Just as he rounded the corner onto the main road, seeing the long line of traffic of people wanting to go to work and taking their kids to school, his stomach began to ache. First a dull pain that he merely shrugged off, but slowly becoming apparent, breaking his distant stream of consciousness, bringing him back to the cool morning air. He slowed ever so slightly, a hand gently massaging his stomach before he shook his head, gritting through it and picking up the pace again. Guess he wouldn’t be using that powder again… what a shame. He could’ve gotten used to the caramel flavor. He then felt like he was going through a thing of water but just shrug it off.

Eric continued down the pathway, jogging past more apartment blocks, then a small section of small businesses, buildings he never would imagine to enter as the stomach pain increased, sinking deeper into his core as a small headache arose, growing in intensity. It didn’t seem to be focused on the front of his forehead, however, like some migraines that threatened to burst through your skull and ruin your day. It seemed to permeate throughout his head. He grumbled to himself, shaking his head. He could see the Department Store come up just in the distance. He’ll be home before he knew it. Just… twenty more minutes of jogging… Ugh…

(little did he know that he left his reality and enter a reality where Pokémon exist)

It only took a minute for more anomalies to begin cropping up. Even though he only had the protein shake recently, even though it wasn’t that filling… he felt full. Eric could feel his stomach slosh with some kind of liquid, like he had just had way too much water. It was an unsettling sensation, churning like a stormy sea inside of him and it only got worse with every step. He had to stop. This was getting too weird. He raised his pedometer on his wrist to his face, looking at how many steps he had made, watching it count up with each step on the footpath, each slosh with his stomach. But something prevented his legs from stopping. The way his fingernails were blackened and blocky… his fingers chubby and stubby. The pink hair that crept out from underneath his pedometer. The air whooshed past his ears as he forced himself forward, feeling it run over the larger surface air, tickling the small, prickly hairs that were growing there.

Something was wrong. Extremely wrong. He had to get out of here, away from others. He had to keep moving.

Thank god it was early in the morning that no one truly noticed his plight. They were all too busy focused on the road to worry about his own plight… but watching that pink hair spread across his arm with such speed assured him that they’d be watching him soon. It didn’t help that his pedometer was beginning to become too tight around his wrist, it quickly plumping up… his entire body felt at war with itself. His clothes felt both baggy but tight at the same time. Keeping up the speed that he had at the beginning was impossible now. The department store was just up ahead. Right around the corner was the start of the residential district again. He could duck into an alleyway and wait this out… if he managed to make it in time.

The waistband on his tracksuit points ever slowly began to bulge, pushing forward and completely destroying any semblance of progress on his physique. His stomach continued to slowly bloat, the same treacherous ocean washing around inside him. It was getting a bit unbearable as a free hand, his arms slowly becoming lost in his long tracksuit sleeves, reached up to tuck his ears out of sight in the most inconspicuous way he could manage. A few people were coming up ahead. His body continued to pack on the pounds all while he continued to lose height. He kept his eyes down as he walked past the mother and her two children, walking their Houndour on their way to school. To her, Eric was a strange looking fat man who was trying to desperately work off all the unhealthy meals he had eaten all his life. Eric would’ve been insulted, but he didn’t know what she was thinking.

Finally, he rounded the corner to the Department Store. He could see an alleyway a short walk from here… walk being the key word. With how much he had shrunk and how much weight he had put on, his legs were mere thick stubs, his stomach bulging in his sweatpants. At some point during his frantic walk to get to cover, small lumps had formed underneath his clothes, whatever that meant. He was sweating bullets. His pedometer still counted his steps as he waddled, moving as fast as he could as his short, stubby arms bounced off the side of his thick body. He couldn’t feel his fingers and at some point he could feel the clopping of what sounded like hooves on the pavement as the alleyway drew closer, his shoes strewn behind him. Small white horns emerged through his short, brown hair, looking quite strange atop his head before it began to shed itself, drifting on the Goldenrod winds as black hair coated his cranium instead.

He was overheating. The outfit and all the hair he had sprouted was too much. But finally he was in the alleyway. He waddled the best he could, exhausted and out of breath as he slowly moved to the back, out of sight. The sound of something tearing came to his mind as his underwear, finally done with the strain broke, a long, curved tail with a poofy ball at the end wormed its way out of his sweatpants. Finally, he was done. As he collapsed, falling back onto his haunches, the deep pressure of whatever was filling up inside him surged once more… and then released. He felt the bottom hem of his shirt tear, as he fell back onto his thick haunches, breathing heavy as his pants finally fell off him, revealing what it tried to contain for so long.

His middle was completely yellow, bulging out from him in a mocking manner as the bottom of it gently touched the concrete floor. What insulted him more was the four, protruding teats that stuck out from his belly… along with the matter that they were all leaking, dribbling little bits of Moo Moo Milk onto the floor. Breathing heavy, in and out, as he worked off his ruined shirt and his strained tracksuit jacket, he wondered…

No, she wondered. It didn’t take a genius to realize what she was. Even though she was too exhausted to remotely check, she knew what must’ve happened. In an idle manner, as she shifted her haunches to lean her soft back against the wall, she teased her teats with her simple hooves. Streams of milk trickled out onto the floor as with disdain she let out a sigh… which came out as a quiet ‘moo’. All that work, for nothing and then some. She was never going to use that protein powder ever again nor will she ever do anything humanish again.

Months later Eric now just a common Miltank now lives in a Moo Moo Farm with other Miltanks. She even just gave birth to her first egg and she was over joy cause soon she'll be a happy Pokémon Mother. She had lost all memories of all of her past life as a human was gone and she just acted and thought like a common Miltank. She was then lead into a room with other Miltanks and they were hook up to a machine that would milk them. She cried out in joy as she was getting milk.


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