Story 21: Role Swap


Isaac and his wife Beth were a happy couple and was excited after they found out Beth had gotten pregnant. They were overjoy by this. Months past and Beth just enter the half way mark. The two first believe that Beth had one baby in her belly but after a check up they where shock that they had twin girls growing in her belly. During the past few months Isaac notice how much pain Beth was going through and constantly wish that there was something he could do to help her. As he watch her eat her favorite craving goodie (Milkshake+Pickles+Peanut M&M's). Isaac walk off to the kitchen to start making dinner after taking the empty cup from his wife. As he walk he felt like he just walk through water but what he didn't know was that he just enter the Mysterious Zone. As he walk he failed to notice that he shrunk in height. Then while walking around in the kitchen his hair began to grow out and he began to lose his male features and gain more female features. He pause just for a moment and went back to moving around as his manhood vanish and he gain a decent size of breast and a working Woman hood. But when she open the freezer and saw another one of her wife's Craving goodies she now had some strange urge to eat it. Thinking she could just make her another. As she eat the creamy goodness she didn't notice with every bite her belly and breast grew and when she finish she now looks like she could be at the same stage as her wife. Then her clothes alter to fit her new pregnant body. But once her husband walk in her Mind change to fit her new role as the wife. Isabella was kiss on the check by her loving husband Ben. He told her to go relax while he gets dinner started. Isabella wink at her husband as she told him that her and the girls are gonna have some bonding time by watching some classic Disney movies like Peter Pan and her favorite the Little Mermaid.


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