Story 17: A New Job at McDonalds


Greg was eating at his local McDonald's. He kept eyeing the female workers and making sure they don't notice him starring. He went back to eating his big Mac and while enjoying the burger his stomach began to feel weird. It was like he need to use the bathroom really bad so he quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. While rushing he failed to notice that he enter the Female bathroom but he didn't care. Little did he know was that he was entering the Mysterious Zone. While he sat in the stall his body began to change. First his hair started to grow and turn blonde then his face and body gain a more femmine figure and appearance. Then with one sloosh his manhood turn into a woman hood. As the new estrogen flow through her body she began to grow breast while her clothes alter to that from a normal outfit to a McDonald's staff outfit. Then like getting hit in the head with a water balloon Gracie forgot all of her past self as her new life took place. After the changes finish Gracie got up finish what she needed to do in there and went back to the counter to take orders.


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