Story 29: Time Travel Wife


Once upon a time, in the bustling city of New York, there lived a young woman named Roxane. She was an independent and modern woman, always busy with her career and personal life. One ordinary day, she found herself in a hurry to pick up groceries after work. Little did she know that this seemingly mundane errand would forever change her life.

Roxane entered the neighborhood grocery store, just like any other day, but as she browsed through the aisles, she felt a strange sensation in the air. Unbeknownst to her, she had accidentally crossed a mysterious zone that existed at the convergence of time itself.

As she stood near the canned goods section, a faint shimmer surrounded her, and in an instant, she was transported back in time to the year 1953. Roxane's surroundings transformed before her eyes; the store, the products, and the people all took on the appearance of a bygone era.

Confused and disoriented, Roxane looked down at herself to see that she was now wearing a floral patterned dress, and her hair was styled in a neatly coiffed fashion. She tried to make sense of what had just happened, but her mind felt foggy, and memories of her previous life were becoming distant and hazy.

Unaware of the time travel and the changes in her persona, Roxane continued with her shopping, feeling oddly at ease with her new surroundings. The store's clerk greeted her warmly, addressing her as "Mrs. Anderson," a name she did not recognize. With each passing moment, her identity and consciousness were being rewritten to fit into the role of a 1950s housewife.

Over the next few days, Roxane embraced her new life as Mrs. Anderson, a devoted wife, and homemaker. She tended to the house, cooked elaborate meals, and took care of her husband, Mr. Anderson, who was a hardworking businessman. Roxane's previous life and ambitions were now replaced with a profound dedication to her family and maintaining the picture-perfect household of the 1950s.

As time went on, Roxane's transformation was complete, and she no longer questioned her new reality. She became the epitome of a 1950s housewife, finding joy in her traditional role and cherishing the simple pleasures of life.

However, deep within her subconscious, fragments of her former self lingered, manifesting in occasional moments of confusion and nostalgia. She would catch glimpses of modern objects, hear echoes of contemporary music, and experience fleeting flashes of memories from her past life. Yet, those moments were quickly dismissed as mere daydreams, as her mind was now firmly rooted in her new existence.

Years passed in this new reality, and Roxane, now Mrs. Anderson, lived a content and fulfilling life with her husband and children. She never spoke of the peculiar events that led her to this point, for they seemed like distant shadows of another world.

And so, the tale of Roxane, a modern woman who accidentally crossed the Mysterious Zone and became a 1950s housewife, remained a secret buried deep within the enigmatic realms of time, forever altering the course of her life and casting her adrift in a different era.


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